How to work with polygons

large grey blob in background

Create a new polygon

To create a polygon, when you are on the polygons list page (the first page when you sign in to the Dashboard) or via the left-hand menu, please click "Create polygon" and move to the "New polygon" page.

You have 2 options to create a polygon. One is to draw it manually by selecting the "Draw" button on the right-hand panel. Another is to find your polygon in the map with already recognized contours of it by selecting the "Select" button on the right-hand panel.


To draw your polygon manually:

  1. Click on the polygon icon on the map to activate a draw mode.

  2. Place the pointer on the map and click the location of the first point to start drawing.

  3. Continue clicking at each corner of the shape until you create a polygon.

  4. Click on the first point to finish the polygon.

  5. Fill in the "Polygon name" field and click the "Create" button to save your polygon.

To find your polygon on the map (see the picture below):

  1. Click on a polygon to select.

  2. If you want to edit the contours of the polygon, please click on the polygon again and adjust its shape pulling it by the corners.

  3. Fill in the "Polygon name" field and click the "Create" button to save your polygon.


View a list of created polygons

You can find a list of your polygons on the "Polygons" page. It is available from the left-hand menu where you can find the following:

  • The map displaying all your polygons.

  • Detailed information about each polygon. Hover over it on the map to get the polygon name, an area in ha and a date of creation.

  • Summary such as the total area in ha from all your polygons and a number of created polygons.



Update a polygon name

Go to the "Polygons" page, it is available from the left-hand menu.

  1. Choose a polygon and click on the pencil icon for this polygon.

  2. Edit the name of your polygon in the pop-up dialogue box (see the screenshot below).

  3. Click on the "Rename" button to finish editing.

    • The system will save your changes and will return you to the list of polygons.


Delete a Polygon

Go to the "Polygons" page, it is available from the left-hand menu.

  1. Choose a polygon and click on the delete icon for this polygon.

  2. Input the name of the polygon and click on the "Delete" button (see the screen below).

    • The system will save your changes and will return you to the list of polygons.


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